
Showing posts from 2021

Cuba 1952-1959 - The True Story of Castro's Rise to Power told by Dr. Manuel Marquez-Sterling and LIFE Magazine

Seeing Cuba from a Parking Lot in Miami by Vanessa Garcia

The Story of Cuba: Her Struggles for Liberty; the cause, crisis and destiny of the Pearl of the Antilles by Murat Halstead

Reflexión al ver la foto del equipo de fútbol juvenil de mi abuelo en Cuba por Laz Aleman

Realmente los gusanos fueron los comunistas todo el tiempo

Reflection upon looking at my grandfather's youth soccer team photo in Cuba by Laz Aleman


The "Gusanos" were the Communists all a Haniel Long


Cultivo Una Rosa Blanca (Verso XXXIX) - Un poema por José Martí